Strengthening capacities of women entrepreneurs for digitalization of business processes and provision of advisory and technical support for market launch of rebranded traditional food products from Southwestern Serbia

Strengthening capacities of women entrepreneurs for digitalization of business processes and provision of advisory and technical support for market launch of rebranded traditional food products from Southwestern Serbia

May 2020 – May 2021.

General project goals:

  1. To strengthen the ability of Serbian women entrepreneurs to act and react to changing conditions of business environment through design and implementation of digital transformation strategy in order to evolve and succeed continuous process of change and adaptation.
  2. To strengthen local networks of female food producers in underdeveloped rural regions in Western Serbia through encouraging innovative business practices for the purpose of improved self-employment and income generation and their better inclusion in the local and regional market economy.

Specific objectives

To sensitize female entrepreneurs in Serbia and enhance their capacities for introduction of digital transformation processes in their companies in order to ensure sustainability in terms of productivity, sales and competitiveness. 

To strengthen business capacities of small-scale producers of processed traditional food in Western Serbia through provision of advisory and technical support measures related to market launch of rebranded food product lines with innovated product features based on traditional local food products.

To create possibilities for quick wins and better access to market for local food producers through introduction and launching of Instagram page for local Civil Society Organization “Sacuvajmo selo” from Priboj for joint digital marketing and promotion of local women entrepreneurs and their traditional food products.

Project was realized in the cooperation with German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and supported by the project Private Sector Development (PSD) in Serbia.